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Hello! My name is Wali Hussain, I am excited to vote and take control of my future.

I am a proud American Muslim who is a college student and I have pledged to vote in this upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024 election.  This election is the most important election in the history of United States of America.   We must vote for "Uncle Joe Biden" .. we must save America and save the World !.

This year several Muslim Organizations have partnered up for a campaign to ensure One Million Muslims in America do cast their vote. I am so proud to be part of this “Million Muslim Votes” initiative and have clicked on the link below and did Pledge to vote.

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I am a student at University of Austin that soon realized the complicated process of obtaining an absentee ballot and voter registration. I soon figured out how many steps were involved and this further opened my eyes to how many of my classmates and friends were also having trouble with getting such a simple application accomplished too.

It is imperative that we do vote and do get our voices heard, as these politicians are the ones that are going to change the laws that will directly impact our lives, either negatively or positively. Why not be part of the process to ensure we have a better world !

Wali Hussain